The Cavan Monaghan Libraries encourage and promote children’s use of the library. Our aim is to make our library facilities welcoming, educational, fun and safe for children of all ages.

However, parents and/or guardians should be aware that the library is a public place and as such, is open to all members of the community. As in all public facilities, emergencies can occur and it is the responsibility of the parent or caregiver to monitor the whereabouts and behaviour of their children.

While staff is concerned about the safety and well being of children and young adults, they cannot assume responsibility for them in the absence of the parent or guardian.

An unattended or lost child will be comforted by a staff member who will help them locate their parent and/or guardian using procedures outlined below.

Children under five (5) years of age

Children under five must be accompanied at all times. Children should not be left unattended while parents and/or guardians conduct their own business in the library. During Library programs, parents of preschoolers are free to browse within the library but should not leave the premises as their child might leave the story time in search of them.

Children of elementary school age

Children of elementary school age may come into the library independently but should not be left unattended for substantial periods of time. If children are left unattended for extended periods of time, the parents and/or guardians will be contacted. If a child is unattended when the library closes and the library staff cannot locate a parent and/or guardian, the library staff is directed to arrange for the police to take responsibility for the child.

Unattended children at closing time

Children of intermediate age often study independently in the library. Parents and/or guardians are expected to make arrangements for their children to be supervised and, when necessary, to have rides home when the library closes.

Library staff are directed not to assume responsibility for unattended children age 9 and under. (Staff should use their judgement and err on the side of caution for children under age 16 in these circumstances.) If a child is unattended when the library closes and the library staff cannot locate a parent and/or guardian, the library staff is directed to arrange for the police to take responsibility for the child.

Two staff members will wait with the child until a caregiver or police arrive.


In case of a medical emergency involving an unattended child, the staff will call 911 for emergency assistance and then attempt to contact a parent and/or guardian, in that order.

Any time young children are left unattended in the library, staff must discuss this policy with the parent and/or guardian.

Cavan Monaghan Libraries is dedicated to creating spaces and providing services that are accessible to all. This includes creating an accessible website for all of our patrons to use. If you have any suggestions please feel free to contact us with your ideas. So far we have: